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It's a Girl

The Three Deadliest Words in the World 

This 2012 documentary was directed by Evan Grae Davis and took four years to shoot. It highlights the practice of female infanticide in India, China, and other parts of the world-where girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply 'because they are girls'. Girls who survive infancy often grow up to face neglect and violence. Davis said that it was exceptionally difficult, especially in China, to get women to go on film to share their stories of infanticide. 


Girl Rising

Educate Girls. Change the World 

This powerful documentary directed by Academy Award nominee Richard Robbins describes the deeply moving stories of nine girls from nine developing countries and their quest to overcome great societal and cultural obstacles to obtain an education and change their fates. Their dreams and voices,  their striving beyond circumstances and pushing beyond limits is a moving testimony to the strength of human spirit and the power of education.

The Invisible Girl Project

Sharona's Story

The Invisible Girl Project, a nonprofit based in North Carolina, is working to end female gendercide in India through its RICE (Rescue, Intervention, Counseling and Care, Education and Empowerment) program. It rescues vulnerable babies and girls from being killed or trafficked, intervenes in the lives of needy families to support their daughters, cares for rescued girls, and empowers women in order to end female gendercide in India.

Stop Forced Abortion 

Reggie Littlejohn is the Founder of ‘Women’s Rights Without Frontiers’, an organization crusading to end female gendercide in China. She sheds light on the atrocities during the enforcement of the One-Child-Policy by the Family Planning Police which forced abortions and sterilizations, levied heavy fines, terminated jobs, and destroyed homes for non-compliance. She has spoken on international platforms about gendercide


Satnam Narang is the founder of The Pushpa Project, a movement working to raise awareness about female infanticide in India. He brought together four musicians on a musical project 'Sunshine' - to raise social consciousness and spread the word about female gendercide and the alarming continuing decrease in the female child sex-ratio seen over the last three decades.

One Child Nation

One Child Nation was nominated for Best Documentary at the Academy Awards. The powerful film is a harrowing expose of the devastation caused by China's womb police while enforcing the One Child Policy. Generations of parents and children were forever shaped by this social experiment. The Chinese Communist Party has boasted that it prevented 400 million births through its policy- a staggering statistic. Most of these were female. 

The Daughter Tree

Rama Rau’s film showcases the tenacity of Neelam Bala, a fiercely uncompromising midwife, working in Punjab, where men vastly outnumber women due to female feticide. The film evokes a key metaphor: every time a girl is born, the community plants a tree, tilling the soil so that they may better grow and allow all to benefit from the bounty. The film intricately handles the complexity of gendercide and sheds light on the challenges required to see real change.

Save the Girl Child 

“Save the Girl Child’ is a presentation created by Girl Scout Himani Kalra, to educate others about female infanticide and feticide. It discusses the causes of gendercide, its statistics, the spillover effects on society, and what people can do to take action and create change in their local communities. She says - 'The biggest mistake is to do nothing, because you can only do a little'.

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