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Social Advocacy campaigns to raise awareness of female gendercide
Girls’ rights are human rights, yet girls in societies all over the world are often denied their basic rights, simply because of their gender. "Save the Girl Child" is actively working to raise awareness about gendercide through presentations, writing articles and blogs, distribution of over 40,000 gendercide brochures, creating a social media platform with 8000 followers, researching women's reproductive health, and sending a research report on the global spread of female gendercide to the Johns Creek City Council and Congresswoman Lucy McBath to press for Georgia to enact a law against sex-selective abortion and join 11 other states that prohibit fetal gender selection.

Minicamps for refugee and immigrant girls in Clarkston, Georgia
Dubbed "the most diverse square mile in America," Clarkston is a large refugee settlement area in Georgia, home to over 100 multi-ethnic immigrant groups. Outcasts United traces its transformational history. Refugee girls come from troubled backgrounds of war, famine, oppression, and religious persecution, and arrive in the US with limited English speaking skills. They struggle in school and frequently drop out of higher education which perpetuates the illiteracy and poverty cycle in their communities. Himani was inspired to help them, because her immigrant parents had also faced struggles when they came to the US.
Collaborating with missionaries of SEND International, 'Save the Girl Child' has organized minicamps and worked with immigrant girls to promote literacy and help them at school. Cross-cultural events have been arranged for refugee girls to meet American peers of the Karis Community Church to help them adapt to life in the US and balance traditional restrictions of their patriarchal families.

"Aequora" Classical Reading and "For The Love of Science" programs to support learning for refugee girls
"Save the Girl Child" has created a 30 unit curriculum "For the Love of Science" to support science learning and promote interest in future STEM careers in which girls are traditionally underrepresented. It has also been provided the Paideia Institute's Aequora Literacy Program to support classical reading for refugee girls. Himani compiled the science curriculum through her years of study for science bees organized by the North South Foundation which funds education for underprivileged children. The curriculum had been made available through a website portal, and encourages donations to the North South Foundation to support education scholarships for marginalized children and has been incorporated into the Mathus Academy ScienceGenius learning program.

Letter Drives for girls in India
"Save the Girl Child" has partnered with the Invisible Girl Project, a US nonprofit working to rescue girls from high risk home situations in India and to rehabilitate their lives through the RICE (Rescue, Intervention, Care, Empowerment) campaign. IGP asks for letters or cards of support and encouragement to be written and delivered to these girls because they come from backgrounds that do not care about them or remind them that their lives are valued and precious. The letters generate great excitement when they arrive. The girls love reading them and knowing that there are people across the world who are rooting for their success. Through letter drives and community participation - "Save the Girl Child" has delivered 500 letters to over 400 rescued girls.

Rural Village Schools providing free education for girls in North India
Save the Girl Child' has fundraised through charity dance recitals to help set up five rural schools in India by the Ekal Foundation which will provide free education for girls. Books and writing supplies have been collected through community donations, local businesses, and funding from the "Save the Girl Child" nonprofit. Ekal's mission is to promote literacy by bringing education to children in rural villages since their circumstances prevent them from going to school. Ekal maintains a low running cost of $365 per year for 35 students through a local single-teacher model and volunteers.

Education for girls in the Bhalswa Slums in Delhi, India
The Bhalwa Slums is one of India's most populated and poorest areas and has among the lowest gender ratios in the world, with only 850 girls for 1000 boys. During her annual trips to Delhi, Himani worked in the slums every summer with her grandparents as they treated patients. She was moved by the poverty and the high infant girl mortality due to infections, and the obstacles girls' faced in accessing education. 'Save the Girl Child' has distributed gendercide awareness brochures, kits with books and writing supplies for girls, and connects their families to the Kusumpur Pahari Learning Center providing free education for girls and teaching women small business skills.

Youth Brand Ambassador for the Invisible Girl Project
'Save the Girl Child' is a Youth Brand Ambassador for the Invisible Girl Project (IGP), working to rescue girls from high risk home situations in India and help them through a RICE campaign (Rescue, Intervention, Counseling, Empowerment). These girls are at risk for being killed or sold and trafficked by families living in poverty. Working with the local Gram Panchayats, a watchful eye is maintained on homes in local villages and rescued girls are provided with medical care, shelter, and eventual adoptions. Save the Girl Child is sponsoring two sisters for healthcare and education till the 6th grade and provides young girls with stuffed animals symbolizing love, care, and protection.

Gender Equity Leader of the Meddling Kids Movement
"I would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids" is the catchy tagline for the Meddling Kids Movement which promotes youth activism globally and supports trailblazing young people who refuse to be silent about things that matter by spotlighting their work. Himani was a Gender Equity Team Leader for the Meddling Kids Movement which has members in countries across the globe - India, Malaysia, England, Canada, Singapore, Australia, South America, and multiple US states. Members play two-fold roles - they actively work for their own causes while also promoting the mission of others, to collectively amplify our voices. Some are spearheading literacy initiatives for girls in their local communities. Coding classes for a girl today can create a scientist or engineer tomorrow and reading inspirational books weekly can build a future CEO. Small actions build huge positive waves in the life of an underprivileged girl. We must all become agents of change to make the world a better place for others.